Monday, August 17, 2009

Ready To Return to Work!

While I wish I was the type of woman who could say that I am a domestic goddess and love being at home all day with my kids, unforunately, I am not. I love waking up, leaving the house, missing the hell out of my kids, itching to see them at the end of a schoolday, and then coming home and being with them. In a word: structure! When I am here with them, I cannot seem to follow a daily pattern.

I am starting this blog to give some of my friends a little bit of insight into what I go through daily raising three kids: Destiny (13), Sebastian (4 on Thursday), and Solomon (7 months). I love my kids more than anything, and it is both the best and hardest job I have ever had in my life.....

Today, I finished the "Game On" diet... and lost 8 post-baby pounds! I am so glad, because I am fighting to get my body back! I am in limbo about whether or not I should join another round of the diet, because I became bored to tears eating brown rice, spinach, and egg whites every damn day, interspersing my meals with steel-cut oatmeal! I will wait until the end of the week, and see how I feel.

This school year is an important one: I have to finish my Master's portfolio, fill the shoes of a mentor who retired, and shuttle around all three of my kids to their sporting events and their jammed-packed social lives. Stay tuned!